Seconded.If you need quality, one of the best mic pres are in Zoom F6.
I've used a lot of field recorders in my days, Nagra, Sound Devices, on down to early M-AUDIO handheld, and any number of phone/tablet accessories. The F6 is easily best of all I've owned ... for combination of price, PREs, portability, and 32-bit float is a lifesaver. But you need your own microphones, and well those can get expensive. Or cheap. Picked up an Audix i5 today for $30.
For the OP I would start by answering how many channels are needed and do you want integrated mics, phantom power, and other important distinctions. How many instruments in the small music group? How do you plan to mic them? Do you have mics? How far down the rabbit hole do you care to go?
Statistics: Posted by kidslow — Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:35 am