Obviously a handful of features in Repro5 are things Hive can't do, polymod, the FX section esp it's polyphonic distortion, feedback, but the rest is either directly doable or hackableI think such a converter only makes sense for synths that are very similar, such as: NI Pro 53 and Repro 5. Hive has completely different specialties in terms of synthesis than Repro 5. Therefore, a converter can never really exploit the strengths of the plugin, can it?
But, using Prophet5 a wavetable like from Analog Anthem for Hive by Plugmon and some random/slow noise modulation for more analog feel gets you far and you can kinda hack your way around the difference that repro can select multiple waveforms at once but hive can't. Route it through a midi effect first and use the Alternate modifier in unipolar or for 3+ utilize the shape sequencer in one by one mode. Technically also works as a hacky way to do multitimbrality. Nearly identical in effect to just using multiple instances of hive though, but may be a preferable workflow for some sometimes. I usually make sure the duplicate notes are in separate midi channels as I often leverage Hives multichannel midi capabilities but idk if it's necessary for this trick to work
Statistics: Posted by underscoreraven — Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:03 am